Maven Leadership Collective at Venture Cafe
4:00 PM16:00

Maven Leadership Collective at Venture Cafe

#seeUScensus:Why You May Be Missing Out on $20k

What is the 2020 US Census? Why does it matter? The Census impacts government representation and how funds flow to our community. For those who are hard to count--people of color, LGBTQ folx, and undocumented immigrants--not being counted can mean losing critical services & resources. Join us for an interactive session that will help you get counted!

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Census Messaging Communications Virtual Workshop
4:00 PM16:00

Census Messaging Communications Virtual Workshop

  • Virtal meeting via Zoom ( (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On behalf of the Racial Equity Anchor Collaborative, learn how to engage and communicate in a multi-ethnic, multi-racial environment. This interactive training will give you the communication skills necessary to deliver the importance of being counted in the 2020 Census to diverse populations in Miami-Dade County. Join via Zoom ( or phone (646-558-8656)

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Ethnic Media Briefing
12:30 PM12:30

Ethnic Media Briefing

Join a roundtable briefing with ethnic community media from Miami-Dade & Broward Counties to discuss the challenges of engaging Florida's diverse communities in the 2020 Census. Learn why advocates see the census as a tool of empowerment for their communities. Click here to register.

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NALEO Census Train-the-Trainer
6:30 PM18:30

NALEO Census Train-the-Trainer

We invite you to participate in our Train-The-Trainer workshop to become a certified Census Ambassador and ensure that our community is fairly and accurately counted in Census 2020! To RSVP please contact call 305-244-3761 or contact Margaret Sanchez at call (954)980-9453.

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