Who we are
Miami-Dade Counts 2020 is a collaborative effort, built by a growing base of local and national funders, to help ensure that everyone in Miami-Dade County is counted in the 2020 Census. We provided grants for nonprofits and grassroots organizations working to ensure a complete count - especially in the most hard-to-count and reach communities - as well as other resources to carry out their efforts.
Partners include the Allegany Franciscan Ministries, the Census Equity Fund, The Children's Trust, the Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties, FIU Metropolitan Center, Health Foundation of South Florida, the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, The Miami Foundation, State Voices, Radical Partners, Stearns Weaver Miller, the United Way of Miami-Dade, the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation, and Commissioner Eileen Higgins District 5.
Why we are doing this
Miami-Dade is home to large numbers of traditionally hard-to-count communities, making our region more vulnerable to underrepresentation. Accurate census data ensures everyone in a community gets their share of resources: census data is used to distribute federal funding for road repairs, school improvements, medical care and food assistance, among other vital community resources. When a community is undercounted by the census, it results in less funding for those communities. The census also determines representation in Congress.
Nonprofits and trusted community organizations are key to creating awareness about the census in communities across the county. When community members are informed, they are more likely to respond to the census. That’s where you come in.
To learn more about the census and why the census matters, review the WHY THE CENSUS MATTERS page.
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featured highlights
Your South Florida with Pam Giganti - Census 2020 segment (South Florida PBS)
Miami-Dade nonprofits lead the way for Census 2020 outreach (The Miami Foundation Blog)
Miami-Dade Counts 2020 awards $475,000 in grants, making it easier to engage hard-to-count communities in next year’s census (The Miami Foundation News)
When you participate in the census, you help the entire community. We’re here to help (Miami Herald Opinion)
Local funders partner to support Miami-Dade Census 2020 complete count efforts (The Miami Foundation Blog)
Participate in the census so our community gets its fair share (Miami Herald Opinion)